Hi All,
I'm new to Spring.. I'm looking some nicer way to handle data / cache in spring..
Here is my use case..
steps #
1. User uploads the CSV file in (maximum of 5000 records) in page-1
2. Get some basic parameters in page2
3. Get some specific parameters in page3
4. Some more inputs (cont. of page3)
5. After page 4 user submits for calculation
6. Application will do some calculation based on csv file uploaded in step1 and inputs got from user in page2, 3, & 4.
Question :
1. Application will receive file in step1 / page1 but which is required in page 4 for calculation
What is your suggestion to hold that file (in cache / session ???) which is received in page1 to keep it live till calculation .. I don't prefer to store in DB since that may slow down the performance also requires additional effort to cleanup ...
I read about Spring session based bean but not sure how good about performance and cache...
Can you suggest something for us.
I'm new to Spring.. I'm looking some nicer way to handle data / cache in spring..
Here is my use case..
steps #
1. User uploads the CSV file in (maximum of 5000 records) in page-1
2. Get some basic parameters in page2
3. Get some specific parameters in page3
4. Some more inputs (cont. of page3)
5. After page 4 user submits for calculation
6. Application will do some calculation based on csv file uploaded in step1 and inputs got from user in page2, 3, & 4.
Question :
1. Application will receive file in step1 / page1 but which is required in page 4 for calculation
What is your suggestion to hold that file (in cache / session ???) which is received in page1 to keep it live till calculation .. I don't prefer to store in DB since that may slow down the performance also requires additional effort to cleanup ...
I read about Spring session based bean but not sure how good about performance and cache...
Can you suggest something for us.