Hi everyone
For the setup:
I have a JBoss Cluster setup AS 7.1.1 of Infinispan with the following contai
I want to include this in my App by DI. Normally I would do a Resource lookup
But no matter what I do this won't work. I tried with dedicated producers etc. but nothing worked. One of the most common errors I get is:
And I do not get why. The code
Already the single Resource Lookup throws him out with errors.
I found this link http://timtang.me/blog/2012/11/04/in...n-integration/ which actually lead to the very first time that I was able to have a cache manager in my spring-based application. Before, nothing worked at all, and all examples I found were with custom configuration and not on the JBoss embedded cache-container.
The problem with that implementation is that it is not Infinispan typed, but wraps everything in e.g. SpringCache etc. I could get the native implementations and wrap this in a custom class of course, but I am not sure if this is the best way. Shouldn't it be possible to grap the resource directly?
I am sorry if I am missing something here, but I poked around the internet for several days now with a colleague, and the issue we have is the CDI based Infinispan way "does not compute" ^^ with the Spring way it seems.
Any help is very appreciated. If you need more info, just let me know.
Thanks in advance for any hint, Best
For the setup:
I have a JBoss Cluster setup AS 7.1.1 of Infinispan with the following contai
<cache-container name="test-cache" default-cache="test_repl" start="EAGER">
<transport lock-timeout="60000"/>
<replicated-cache name="test_repl" mode="SYNC" start="EAGER">
<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
@Resource(lookup = "java:jboss/infinispan/container/test-cache")
Key type [null] of map [org.infinispan.Cache] must be assignable to [java.lang.String]
@Resource(lookup = "java:jboss/infinispan/container/test-cache")
CacheContainer jbossCacheContainer;
public Cache jbossCache() {
return jbossCacheContainer.getCache();
I found this link http://timtang.me/blog/2012/11/04/in...n-integration/ which actually lead to the very first time that I was able to have a cache manager in my spring-based application. Before, nothing worked at all, and all examples I found were with custom configuration and not on the JBoss embedded cache-container.
The problem with that implementation is that it is not Infinispan typed, but wraps everything in e.g. SpringCache etc. I could get the native implementations and wrap this in a custom class of course, but I am not sure if this is the best way. Shouldn't it be possible to grap the resource directly?
I am sorry if I am missing something here, but I poked around the internet for several days now with a colleague, and the issue we have is the CDI based Infinispan way "does not compute" ^^ with the Spring way it seems.
Any help is very appreciated. If you need more info, just let me know.
Thanks in advance for any hint, Best