I depend on https://jira.springsource.org/browse/DATACMNS-301 right now, and wondered if there were a snapshot/milestone repo that I can use to get a version of Spring Data JPA & Spring Data MongoDB that'll use QueryDSL 3.x.
According to the issue above, it looks like it's fixed in 1.6 M1, but I'm not sure what versions of SD JPA & MongoDB to grab. Further, I searched Artifactory at repo.springsource.org for the latest spring-data-commons-core and only found 1.4.0.M1.
Please advise as to which snapshot/milestone version(s) of SD JPA & MongoDB I should use to pick up QueryDSL 3.x, and which repos to get them from.
According to the issue above, it looks like it's fixed in 1.6 M1, but I'm not sure what versions of SD JPA & MongoDB to grab. Further, I searched Artifactory at repo.springsource.org for the latest spring-data-commons-core and only found 1.4.0.M1.
Please advise as to which snapshot/milestone version(s) of SD JPA & MongoDB I should use to pick up QueryDSL 3.x, and which repos to get them from.